When choosing childcare parents are often overwhelmed by the amount of information available through various channels. It helps, before you go and see a childcare facility for your child, to have a list of things written down that you want to ask.
We think the below questions cover almost everything you’ll need to check when choosing childcare.
- Is the atmosphere warm, relaxed and welcoming?
- Do the children look comfortable and relaxed?
- Is their good interaction between the children and staff?
- Have the staff a good level of qualifications and experience? (From 2015 it will be compulsory that Room leaders in ECCE rooms have a Level 6 and assistants Level 5 childcare qualification)
- Is there a key worker system in place?
- Is there a broad range of activities available and is there evidence of these?
- Is there evidence of child led chosen activities?
- Is there a good variety of toys/equipment to suit the ages and abilities of the children and are they clean and in good repair?
- How does the service cater for children with additional needs?
- Is there a respectful approach towards the diversity and identity of all children and families?
- Are parents encouraged to become involved in the service and how?
- How does the service inform the parent of the child’s progress and general well being?
- Has the service appropriate policies and procedures in place? Some of the key ones include – admissions, fee payment, complaints, child protection, positive behaviour management, recruitment, collection of children, equality and diversity.
Before choosing a service you should review the information you have gathered. Talk to other people. Trust your feelings, if the service feels right to you, it should be good for your child.
List with thanks to WCCC