Think ink!
Ink for your printer can often be a very high line item in your childcare facilities budgeting. Look at different ways to save on printer ink, whether it is buying in bulk or places that refill old cartridges. The cost of buying a laser printer can often be paid back quickly by the savings on toner versus traditional ink.
Do your homework
Target your advertising specifically to your customer base. There is no point advertising in a free local newspaper that’s main customer base includes retried people, adults with no children or even teenagers – you need busy, working parents seeing what your business has to offer them! You need to ensure you advertising is relevant to all of the people who see it
Concentrate on core activities
Concentrate on what you do best, and look to outsource areas, like I.T. storage to the cloud and digital marketing for example. This will save time on training staff members, and paying for storage devices.
Got a happy parent?
By telling other parents what their child has gained from being in your childcare facility your existing parents can encourage other parents to send their children to you. It might sound obvious, but it’s a sales channel that deserves to be nurtured.
Hang on to your best people
Recruiting and training staff is expensive and takes a lot of time. Effective hiring and training practices will pay huge dividends in the long run
The Devil is in the Detail
Review every item of spend, line by line, to see where money could be saved, or improved terms with suppliers could be negotiated.
Get everyone on board
Involve all of your staff in cost-cutting measures. If they feel they are part of the plan and know why cuts are being made, they are more willing to participate.