No photos or poor quality photos
A picture speaks 1,000 words. Make sure your photos do your childcare setting justice. Keep them clutter free, preferably taken on a bright day from the correct angle to give a great impression on the space and cleanliness of your childcare facility. You can upload and change your photos any time and as often as you like during the year on allowing you to keep them fresh and perhaps seasonal for parents to see.
We’ve got you covered: We have some stock photos of happy children and some Montessori materials you can use until you get proper photos taken and uploaded.
Spelling and grammar errors
– Secondly (and more importantly) bad spelling gives a bad user experience and reflects badly on what your childcare facility has to offer. Parents need to feel confident in your offering for their child, so give yourself every benefit you can.
We’ve got you covered: We run a spell checker and grammar checker over every new childcare listing/advert that’s created on and make corrections for you where needed. 6% of adverts posted on needed spelling/grammar corrections in the last 12 months.
Not using keywords effectively
Example of good keyword usage:
Try to get get important keywords into your content, without overdoing it.
We’ve got you covered: Once you create your advert, feel free to ask us to tune it further for you. It’s all part of the service at no extra cost.
Not asking the experts
It’s difficult running your own childcare business because you are responsible for every aspect of it. We get that! As the childcare provider you have to be on top of everything from your accounts, staff, safety, maintenance, payroll to advertising and marketing and of course providing the best quality care for the children who attend your service. But concentrating on your core strengths is important to the growth and success of your childcare business. Outsource what you can’t do yourself.
We’ve got you covered: We’re the digital marketing specialists for the childcare sector so let us help you. Listing your childcare service with us will ensure that you get noticed by parents in your area. We’ll help you tune your advert to give it the best possible chance of getting noticed – allowing you to get on with the other aspect of running a childcare business.
[button link=”” color=”” size=”xlarge” type=”” shape=”” target=”” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” shadow=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” icon_divider=”” modal=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”” alignment=”” class=”” id=””]List My Childcare Service Now[/button]