THERE HAS BEEN a huge upturn in the number of children signing up to childcare schemes aimed at the less well-off, according to Children’s Minister Katherine Zappone.
An extra 2,500 children are now getting support – bringing the numbers up to more than 30,000.
Just 500 children were signed up for the same period last year.
The jump is being attributed to a national information campaign ahead of childcare changes starting in September.
From September, a new universal childcare subsidy of up to €1,040 per year will kick in for children aged between 6-months and three-years who have not started their free pre-school year.
Targeted childcare subsidies of up to €145 per week for lower-income families will also increase.
Zappone has a dedicated website ( for parents and providers to find out about the new regime.
While some elements of the campaign have been criticised, by childcare providers especially, it’s been broadly welcomed for providing parties with “critical information”.
The minister added that more than 4,500 childcare services have been in touch with her department to get involved in the initiative.
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